- Whole Milk
- Heavy Cream
- Invert Sugar
- 0% Fat Powdered Milk
- Emulsifying Stabilizer
- Granulated Sugar
- Cacao Barry Lactée Supérieure 38% Milk Chocolate Baking Discs
- Allez Belgian Glucose Syrup
- Mix together the whole milk, heavy cream and invert sugar, and heat up to 185°F.
- Mix the powdered milk, emulsifying stabilizer and sugar. Once the first (heated) mixture is cooled to 122°F, add this second blend to the mix.
- Keep cooking, and heat up to 158°F. Once this temperature is reached, mix in the Couverture chocolate and the glucose syrup.
- Finish cooking at 185ºF. Cool quickly then let sit for 12 hours. Mix and place in an ice cream maker.