Prova Vanilla Meringues

Prova Vanilla Meringues

Course: Dessert
Cuisine: French
Keyword: Berry, Meringue, No-Bake, Vanilla
Difficulty: Easy
Brand: Prova
Servings: 50 each
Author: Karina Rivera


  • Stand Mixer
  • Whisk
  • Piping Bag
  • Silicone Baking Mat
  • Food Dehydrator (oven can be used instead)



  • In a stand mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, start whipping the egg whites. Once whites begin to foam, start adding the sugar mixed with the cream of tartar in 3 parts, waiting a few seconds between each addition.
  • Keep whipping until the meringue is medium peaks and start adding the confectioners’ sugar little by little.
  • Add in the 8 g Prova Gourmet Madagascar Bourbon Vanilla Extract, while continuing to whip until stiff peaks.
  • Pipe or spread the meringue over a silicon mat and sprinkle the meringue with different toppings to compliment your desserts.
  • Dehydrate the meringue at 82°C for 6 hours or until completely dry.

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