Single Origin Chocolate: Tanzania

Also differing from the traditional chocolate taste often found in other African nations, Tanzania produces beans with a flavor profile unique to the area. The general geography of this country would lead one to believe it is not optimal for growing cocoa, but select areas of the country serve as ideal growing areas for this commodity. The region is also known for berries, and tones of blueberries and strawberries can be noted within the cocoa itself. When tempered, the beans offer a magnificent creamy mouthfeel, even when defined as a dark chocolate offering. A remarkable location for sourcing, and certainly worth indulging.

Reference: Askinosie. 2018. Mababu, Tanzania.


With two Tanzania chocolate offerings here at World Wide Chocolate, both are sure to delight. While consuming Pralus’ Tanzanie bar, you will be able to note complex, woody secondary notes with some spice, and will provide a unique taste hard to find elsewhere. Even more interesting, is Cacao Barry, one of the largest Couverture producers in the world, introduced the Tanzanie blend to their offerings for baking purposes (or snacking!). The blend in particular is the ideal balance of acidity and cocoa bitterness, followed by floral notes. Explore these offerings, and indulge in Tanzanian cocoa today.

Tanzanian Chocolate