March 5, 2020 marks the 1 year anniversary since the release our new WWC web-site! We’ll take time this month to outline some more exciting highlights of things to come throughout the year.. But initially, I’d like to thank our customers for their input, support and patronage throughout this transitional year. Our suppliers for helping us keep our literal shelves full, so our virtual shelves could remained well stocked. Our cloud based partners that have contributed significantly to a much more scalable platform on which to grow. I’m also tremendously grateful to our employees for managing through all of the inevitable challenges associated with the launch of a new web-site, particularly Rob, whose tireless effort and creative energy has resulted in a much more robust, comprehensive and powerful tool on which we will continue ply our trade!
The celebration will continue all month long, so check back often and get ready for some really cool stuff being released in 2020 and beyond!