Single Origin Chocolate: Sri Lanka

When pondering cocoa origins, your average consumer would not initially think of Sri Lanka as the source of their chocolate bar. Sri Lanka however considers cocoa as the most important crop for underplanting both coconut and rubber grown in given regions, providing the soil quality is suitable enough. With the world’s cocoa production on the rise, Sri Lanka is expecting to increase their regular production, which you will come to love.

Reference: Spice Council of Sri Lanka. (2010). Cocoa.

Sri Lanka

Bonnat again offers another single origin chocolate, their ‘Ceylan’ blend, which cocoa beans originating from this south-Asian island. This chocolate offers hearty cocoa flavors, which incorporate the natural south-Asian flavors. Here at World Wide Chocolate, we are thrilled to offer this variety, in our effort to provide the world of cocoa flavors.

Sri Lankan Chocolate

  • Chocolat Bonnat Ceylan 75% Dark Chocolate Bar

    Chocolat Bonnat Ceylan Sri Lanka 75% Dark Chocolate Bar

    From: $14.99