- 1 Chef's Knife
- 1 Oven
- 1 Tong
- 1 Baking Tray
- 1 Parchment Paper
- 1 Refrigerator
- 1 Food Processor
- 1 Sifter
- 1 Bowl
- PRV Ice
- PRV Herb Oil
- PRV Containers
- 1 Blowtorch (optional)
- 1 Stovetop
- 1 Large Pot
- 1 Strainer
- 1 Whisk
- 1 Plate
Part 1: Crispy Duck Breast
- 10 Large Duck Breast
- Salt and Pepper
Part 2: True Dark Pumpkin Fudge
- 500 g Pumpkin
- 50 g Olive Oil
- To Taste Salt & Pepper
- 10 g deZaan Holland True Dark 10/12% Natural Cocoa Powder
- 350 g Cream 35%
Part 3: Infused Vegetables Garnish
- 10 g Rosemary
- 10 g Thyme
- 250 g Sunflower Oil
- To Taste Salt
- 10 Mini Orange Carrots
- 10 Yellow Carrot
- 10 Purple Carrot
- 1 Pumpkin
Part 4: True Dark Duck Sauce
- 1000 g Veal Stock (jus de veau)(demi-glacé)
- 200 g Duck Cut Scraps, Bones etc.
- 1 Onion (cut roughly)
- 2 Garlic Cloves (chopped)
- 5 g Fresh Thyme
- 5 g Fresh Rosemary
- Salt / Black Pepper (by taste)
- 8 g deZaan Holland True Dark 10/12% Natural Cocoa Powder
Part 1: Crispy Duck Breast
- Clean the duck breast by cutting of the excesses skin and fat.
- Score the duck skin with a sharp knife (careful to not cut into the flesh).
- Make sure the duck breast is on temperature prior to cooking.
- Season (with salt & pepper) the duck breast on the meat side not on the skin side. (make sure the skin is dried).
- Start cooking with no oil on medium/high heat, skin side down. (the fat from the duck breast will cook in its own fat).
- Cook to a golden crispy color.
- Once to preferred color, turn duck to its meat side and cook for about 1-2min.
- Take out the duck and allow to rest for 5 min before cutting.
- Season the skin with salt & pepper.
- Depending on the side of the duck breast, you need a core temperature of 55ºC/131ºF.
Part 2: True Dark Pumpkin Fudge
- Cut and clean pumpkin.
- Cut into large pieces and season with little olive oil, salt and pepper.
- Spread out on a baking tray with parchment paper.
- Roast at 230ºC/446ºF for about 30min. (until the pumpkin is highly roasted).
- Transfer pumpkin from oven into a food processor. Blend.
- Add cream and True Dark. Blend to a smooth paste.
- Taste and season to preference.
- Strain through a fine sifter.
- Reserve in refrigerator until needed.
Part 3: Infused Vegetables Garnish
- Heat the oil to 50ºC/122ºF. Add herbs. And allow to infuse for 1 hour.
- Peel the carrots (leaving the green part on it for presentation).
- Cut pumpkin into slices of 0,5 cm thick and cut with 2cm round cutters.
- Blanch the vegetables shortly (al dente).
- Cool down in ice bath to stop the cooking process.
- Take out of ice bath and place in separate containers.
- Pour herb oil over the top of each type of vegetable to infuse.
- Cut and use when needed.
- Torch the pumpkin slightly create some color and roasted flavor.
Part 4: True Dark Duck Sauce
- In a large pot, add some oil. Bring to high heat.
- Add duck scraps and cook to caramelization.
- Add onion, garlic and herbs. Cook until nicely colored.
- Deglaze with the veal stock and reduce on low heat till 50%.
- Strain the sauce through a fine sifter and taste.
- Season with salt & pepper to preference.
- Add deZaan Holland True Dark 10/12% Natural Cocoa Powder and mix thoroughly.
Part 5: Assembly
- Once all components are made, slice the length of the purple carrot and keep them in ice water to curl and crisp up.
- Start with placing the infused carrots onto the plate.
- Place one pumpkin disc at the top left side.
- Right underneath add a quenelle of true dark pumpkin fudge.
- Place two round of the purple carrots playfully around the plate.
- Add one mini carrot above.
- Add garnish decoratively over the plate (fresh purple garnish & beet cress.
- Place the sliced duck breast (skin side up) on the right side of the vegetables.
- Dust lightly the duck with deZaan Holland True Dark 10/12% Natural Cocoa Powder.
- Finish with sea salt and serve with duck sauce on the side.