World Wide Chocolate Blog

News, Updates, New Products, Polls, Recipes, & more


Latest Posts

Labor Day Transitions

Labor Day Transitions

Greetings Cocoa Community, Happy Labor Day Weekend! Enjoy time with family as we all give a nod & raise a glass to the creativity and perseverance of  the American workforce. Additionally, the first Monday in September is the generally accepted transition from...

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Summer Savings!

Summer Savings!

Greetings Cocoa Community, Happy Summer. Hopefully you're enjoying great weather and creating lasting memories with family! We at WWC hope to enhance the festivities and encourage you to take advantage of blockbuster chocolate savings now through the end of July! We...

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Latest Community Spotlight & Supply Chain Update

Latest Community Spotlight & Supply Chain Update

Greetings Cocoa Community, We're encouraged to see many of the small businesses we serve have reopened and are quickly starting to thrive! We stand ready to offer support in our efforts to meet all of your chocolate needs. Personally, my daughter Lauren and I ventured...

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Shifting Shipping into Summer Mode

Shifting Shipping into Summer Mode

Hi, We hope everyone out there in our Cocoa Community is enjoying some much needed social engagement as we all gradually transition back to some degree of "normalcy!" We at WWC continue to employ best practices, handle your orders with care and adhere to strict safety...

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Onto New Frontiers!

Onto New Frontiers!

Greetings Cocoa Community & Happy New Year! Thank you for your patronage this past year and we're excited about new and hopefully more stable prospects for all in 2021! WWC was fortunate in 2020 to have a strong E-Commerce presence and to have been in a position...

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Our Latest Recipes

SMET White Chocolate Orange Blossom Truffle

SMET White Chocolate Orange Blossom Truffle

  SMET White Chocolate Orange Blossom Truffle StovetoppanWhiskbasinsPiping BagThermometerBowlSpatulaSaucepanMicrowaveParchment Paper SMET White Chocolate Truffle ShellsVeliche Pailleté Feuilletine Crispy Crunchy Crepe FlakesAllez Caramel FlakesBelcolade Blanc...

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