Nestled on the Caribbean coastline of Central America is the small country of Belize, once ruled by the Mayans. During the early days when starting Amano, Art traveled all over Central America in search of farms to source his cocoa from, and marveled at the ancient ruins of the Mayan civilization.
Belize is the true home for vanilla and home to some of the world’s finest cocoa which Amano uses to make this chocolate. While working out the basic formula for this chocolate, someone they work with delivered samples to the President of Belize. What an honor! (Amano Chocolate has been presented to Presidents, Royalty, and other dignitaries which is something they are quite proud of). In their eyes, all their customers are royalty. We hope you enjoy this chocolate that is fit for a King or Queen— namely you!
Tasting notes of a chocolate base with notes of raspberries, pears, dried cherries & plum