Chocolate Label Tags: what do they mean?

Chocolate Label Tags: what do they mean?

Chocolate labeling can be a bit perplexing if you are new to the subject. Most manufacturers label the percentage of chocolate on the packaging, quoting ‘cocoa’ or ‘cacao.’ This is in relation to the combined percentage of both cocoa butter and...
Making Chocolate

Making Chocolate

Growing & Harvesting After the cocoa pods are grown and ripe, they are commonly harvested by cutting, or knocking, off a a tree often with a machete. The pods are then broken, and the beans are separated from the surrounding pulp. The beans are then set to ferment...
Bean Varieties

Bean Varieties

Forastero The forastero bean is the most commonly grown across the globe. It is most likely native to the Amazon basin, and the African cocoa crop is almost entirely of forastero variety. They are significantly hardier, and offer a more classic chocolate flavor,...
Chocolate Types

Chocolate Types

Generally speaking, chocolate is a range of food derived from cocoa, or cacao, mixed with cocoa butter and finely powdered sugar to produce these confectioneries. Believe it or not, different countries have their own ‘rules’ for each classification of...