Single Origin Chocolate: Nicaragua
Nicaraguan cocoa is on the rise with regards to global demand and production, as this rare cocoa is sought out by particularly craft chocolate makers. Producing ~0.3% of the global cocoa supply, it is unlikely Nicaraguan cocoa will be produced on a mass scale, rather for smaller-batch single-origin chocolate. In 2015 there was a vested interest drawing chocolatiers and chocolate makers to Nicaraguan cocoa, simply because it was different, and a newer origin for most producers. Expect the cocoa’s availability and use to expand, and once you taste a blend utilizing this single origin, you will understand the demand.
Reference: Nieburg, O. (2015). New World of Cocoa: Artisan Chocolatiers Marvel at Origin Nicaragua
Nicaraguan cacao is not yet, and perhaps may never will be produced on the scale seen in Western Africa, but the single-origin craft chocolate blends are a testament to the cocoa’s quality and natural aromas. Both Goodnow Farms & French Broad Chocolate produce single-origin blends, directly trading to ensure fair wages are met, providing a sustainable livlihood for the farmers producing these sought-out beans.