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François Pralus

Master Chocolatier

Looking for something new and exciting to try when it comes to your favorite treat? Pralus chocolate features the rich flavors and creamy texture that you love. Using only the finest cocoa ingredients, Pralus has developed delicious and creative chocolates that are sure to please your refined palate. These French chocolates are absolutely sublime with every bite. Whether you want something to tantalize your taste buds or a sweet and thoughtful gift for a loved one, you’re sure to love these delicious chocolate products.

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Barre Infernales

Chocolate & Praline

Another specialty from Maison Pralus is the Barre infernale, an incredible bar created by François Pralus, combining the crunchiness of chocolate and the creaminess of praline. Its secret is the special combination of a delicious praline filled with almonds or hazelnuts and coated with chocolate.

Single-Origin Chocolate Bars

Taste your Destination

Allow yourself to be carried away by the intense, subtle flavors of Pralus’ pure origin chocolate bars made from the best cocoa in the world. All you need to do is select your destination. Almost all single-origin chocolates are manufactured with the same percentage of cocoa, cocoa butter and sugar (except for the prestige bars which are 100% cocoa content, and a milk chocolate blend).

François Pralus Mini Dark Chocolate Pyramid 2

Tropical Pyramids

Taste the World of Chocolate

Take a world tour of all the different flavors thanks to the chocolate from ten different countries of origin that makes up these Tropical Pyramids. To offer you a chocolate of the highest standard, François Pralus has sought out the best cocoa beans in the world, acting as an invitation to travel. Launched in 2003, the Tropical Pyramid has become Maison Pralus’ flagship product. Let your senses go and taste the subtle chocolate flavors of the different bars; embark on a trip to Papua New Guinea/Melanesia*, Indonesia, the Sao Tomé islands or Trinidad, Venezuela, Tanzania and also Ghana, Madagascar, Colombia and Ecuador.

Hazelnut Cream

Smooth & Sweet

A cream of toasted Piedmont hazelnuts and Valencia almonds in a quaint cosmetics tube: enjoy unsparingly to your heart’s delight…

François Pralus Hazelnut Cream

Pralus chocolates are expertly crafted products made with dried cocoa beans from the very best cocoa plantations around the world. Owner François Pralus manufactures his own chocolate using these exceptional beans, some of which are produced with pure varieties while others come from his own distinctive blend of cocoa beans.

Thanks to this investment in sourcing a diverse selection of cocoa beans, we’re able to offer a wide selection of Pralus products at World Wide Chocolate. Pralus chocolate bars are some of the most popular choices for those who want a pure variety of cocoa bean in a simple bite, whether that particular bean comes from Indonesia, Venezuela, Caracas, Madagascar, Trinidad or Columbia. A Pralus Pyramid is a wonderful gift option that includes all these varieties and more in a colorful and attractive gift set. In addition, we offer a few special baking chocolate products from this revered brand, including Pralus cocoa powder and Pralus hazelnut crème.

Enjoy sampling the taste of cocoa beans from around the world when you choose these Pralus chocolates from World Wide Chocolate. Order yours to get delicious treats to enjoy or bake with at home, or beautifully wrapped chocolate bars to give as a gift. You’ll love taking your taste buds on a journey around the world one bite at a time with the distinctive flavors of Pralus chocolates.